ILLIEY AND ME(before the acne lived on my popopopoker face =,=)

ILLIEY AND ME(before the acne lived on my popopopoker face =,=)

the only me :)

the only me :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is the new Maxis Home Broadband available in your area?

Is the new Maxis Home Broadband available in your area?: So how fast is 30Mbps? Surf without lag, YouTube by just pressing

The new Volkswagen Passat is a beauty!

The new Volkswagen Passat is a beauty!: The new Volkswagen Passat redefines what you’d expect from a top-of-the-line sedan. This beauty of German engineered excellence comes with a turbocharged TSI engine.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

kerja part 2

okie, cerita ni masih lagi d carrefour, huhu, setelah 3 hari jadi packer, maksudnye training dengan melihat senior2 cashier menjalankan tugas.tibe la saat2 yg dinanti2 iaitu membuka kaunter sendiri. MUAHAHA, tanda riak sikit, (aq buka kaunter pegang duit berbelas2 ribu beb. jelez x? :) )
 ok. tamat merapu.
ary pertama buka kaunter sendiri adelah hari sabtu. mmg terbaik. ary sabtu  adalah hari tnpa plastik n hari cuti dimana rmai manusia dtg membeli belah, ya Allah, ramai gile den nk koba, sumpah rmai, 16 kaunter bukak pon still kene beratur, begitulah lumrah ari sabtu n ahad or public holidays. :) .
baiklah, berbalik kepada ary pertama ni, mmg pengalaman xboleh dilupakan la. mula2 kena tnye, "hari ini hari tnpa plastik,encik nak plastik?" bile dia kata nak! kite jawab "setiap beg plastik akan di caj dgn harga rm0.20" pastu senyum2, senyum, haha. buat la keje... tibe2 resit xkelua, owh mak. da nebes la, upenye kertas resit da abes, kne refill. ok, xreti refill. menggeletar nk buat, terkial2, da tu okie, teruskan kerja, aleh2 xlame pastu bile da break tuka kaunter lain, kaunter tu abes roll kertas tok journal plak, ahh sudah,, part ni mmg aq xreti buat, mula la jadik sewel, pusing kiri kanan x nmpak cc(senior cashier a.k.a supervisor la), so buat keputusan tok kol cc. tp ternampak cc berjalan, ape agy, jerit la, "kak! mcm mane nk buat ni!" akak cc pon dtg, kompem dia mrh sbb aq xreti nk psg roll journal ni, hahahahaha, ade aq kesah. lalala. da tu buat la kerja, lame2 kn jadik pening tgk duit byk sgt. da la ade yg guna kad kn, kena simpan resit tu, saba la, byk betol. huhu......
cerita diteruskan, apabila closing kaunter.
setiap cashier akan masuk bilik cashier centre tok buat kira2, ari ni untung brape, short duit brape, modal setiap ary adalah rm300. so part ni susa sikit tok  owg baru belajar, sgt susa, sbb nk kne asing duit tok modal esok rm300 (setiap kali masuk nk kira duit, sy kira modal dulu, mule2 kira syiling da duit duit rm1, diikuti rm5 n rm10 smpai semua tu jadik rm300. klo lebih syiling2 n rm1 or rm5 , letak tepi tok maskkn dlm plastik no 1, iaitu plastik sell).,.. than, klo ade pick up(maksudnye duit ade rm3000 ke atas, pick up ni best, sbb kira byk duit rm50 or 100, huhu) kene masuk duit tu dlm plastik no 2. plastik tok pick up. haha.da tu kire sell pulak, bape la untung kite jual2 ni kn, hehe.setelah membebankn otak dgn duit, tiba masa kire resit kad pulak, resit ni xleyh ilang, pna elang skali, kne buat report kt sekuriti, hehe. kad ni terbahagia kpd byk bahagia, amex(american express), visa, pmpc(debit), mastercard,n lain2, lupe da, haha. kena asingkn n kire totalnye, lalala.
nmpk mcm lecehkn, bile da buat semua tu, kene isi dlm borang khas kaler kuning, kat situ setiap jumlah duit kene letak, jumlah duit dlm sell, bape kali ko da buat pick up, sume letak la , complete baru bg cc check, klo short dia mnx duit, klo access dowg buat bodo je, sengal kn, okie la, nk p toilet, sakit perut, sat agy den smbung part 3, pengalaman hot d k4 ni :P

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

miss ardent :)

okie2, cuti empat bulan ini telah dihabiskan dengan bekerja. kerja yang agak mencabar .sy kena mempunyai sikap mudah mesra dan memberikan layanan yg baik(tp xla smpai kao nk pijak kpala aq ok) kepada customers. mungkin aq boleh amek kos human resources :)
di bawah ni cuma list shaje, cerita nye kemudian ary sy cite kn . cm2 cite, rugi klo xbaca t :)
kerja pertama adalah sbgai cashier di carrefour alamanda. alamanda ni terletak kt presint 1 putrajaya, da tu carrefour ni kire grocery terbesar kt alamanda ni, makanya, berduyun2 manusia dtg membeli belah, mereka tidak kira ary ape pon, ary2 penoh, cuma kurang sikit di pertengahan bulan, bile esok da nk gaji, da start rmai gile kuasa 2 owg datang, kata nye mereka ni beli belah sbb nk abeskn duit gaji bln lepas. masa tu cashier da sparoh mampuih keje la kn, bile dapat je gaji, lagi la masing2 gatal kaki nk beli belah, yela , duit baru masuk, time tu, sy tak tipu la, nnk jln kt k4 ni mcm tgh nk buat tawaf haji kt mekah, jln berlanggar2, troli yg byk pon habis, xcukup troli, disediakan 2 jenis bakul, 1 bakul seret, agy 1 bakul pegang, dua2 habis jugak, mmg kitowang punye sale banyak ari2 mcm tu, berbelas ribu ktwg dpt . tp duit k4 la tu :(.gile2,nanti la sy edit lain, mengantuk la pulak :). papai!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


being the only daughter in my family give me a huge pressure which can make me feel like killing someone is much more easier to do. i am not a typical malay girl who love to be like a maid. no I'm not your maid/servant!!!! don't you understand that??? can't you bring your plates and cups to the kitchen and why it is so hard for you to wash it too??? duhhh. I did not meant that i hate of being a girl but i do hate about people especially malays opinion n believe about only girls have to do all the house works. stupid. even our prophet helps their wives! if u don't believe in me, fine, go find the story about it by yourself.


I can't even erased my unsatisfied feeling when i heard that you chose her in fact that she always making you sick.damn stupid guy... :) 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

adele fever!

ini bukan mengAGUNGkn penyanyi cantik ADELE. cuma kagum dgn bakat tersembunyi yg da tersembul si ADELE ni. she was totally awesome, gorgeous, superb singer, sume ade la kt dia. so guys out there, have u ever heard her song?, i mean like ROLLING IN THE DEEP, SOMEONE LIKE YOU and etc? this kind of song hit the billboard yah! rock you adele! huhu
she is not a typical singer who sings for money, and she is 10x awesome than datuk siti. i dont know y, bcoz she sings with all her hearts as it is based on her true life story, sbb tu la lagu adele ni kebanyakannye lagu patah aty, hahahah..adele ni nyanyi record ke live ke pitching ttp sama, xde tergelincir pon mcm si gaga pelik tu. dasat x dasat adele, sempoi pulak, natural beauty, haha, teramat suke mmg la puji over2 kn :P...... tapi thanks for the guy who left her, as he did make her change into an awesome singer!(tapi sy rasa kompem laki tu menyesal sbb adele da kaya n rmai peminat, n si laki ni nmpk jahat, hahaha) :)
ni lagu2 yg dia nyanyi live n gempak! :)
Adele - Rolling In The Deep (Live On iTunes Festival 2011) 07/07/11

someone like you live
Seriously MINI?

Friday, July 15, 2011

i am destroying my angel heart :)

yes, i am hurting myself as it is hard for me to tell about your irresponsible behavior. How on earth you could do that .........................................?? this is not cool and seriously this is not for fun, get it? do you understand that? or are u thinking that i am too good like an angel that will never get angry and crazy if u did a really2 stupid thing on me? well, i am believing in KARMA. what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down,  wait and see, i am thinking to be a devil now, i had planned something evil to turn you down, :).

Do you know what is Paramotor? Its parachuting with a propeller, join in!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lo and behold! With Hotlink prepaid data roaming, #nowyoucan be online ANYWHERE!

Get #P14G ONE Plan with 2 modems for the best broadband experience at indoor and outdoor! And save up to RM290!

Stay away from UV Rays! #SolarTint ur car. It is for ur health's sake! #MilkADeal

Check out the new stylish Vios G Limited & TRD Sportivo at the #ToyotaRoadshow!

How does getting rewarded through sharing sounds like to you? Join #ChurpChurp today and bring more friends to the community!

OMG! The #Churp2race is back! I want the iPad 2! Join me and rev up together!

Check out #WranglerJeans Facebook page & win urself an iPad 2, Sony Ericsson Xperia or Sony Ericsson W8!

Learn how important it is to keep ur V-Zone in check! Grab a fresh packet of #KotexFreshPlus now!

Learn how important it is to keep ur V-Zone in check! Grab a fresh packet of #KotexFreshPlus now!

Smartphones Made Affordable, OMG!

GIRLS!! Your Facebook photos could make you & your BFF the next faces of Clean & Clear!

Main game ni boleh menang PS3 dan HDTV?

If you had RM100,000 to spend… what would you buy?


Ini adalah kisah benar, the truth story about me. about my purple laptop :)
yesterday, when i am busy playing one of the game (actually only one, :P) at
then, tiba2, i denga bunyi kcik, kcik, ble i stop main game, bunyi tu pon benti, dan sy teruskan la main match2 baju kt bdn pompan tu, satu2 kena buat, comel beb,, tp denga lagi bunyi kcik, i stopped for a while, then in a certain time, bunyi lagi, OWH sudah,,, laptop aq ni da gile ape??? membebel sy seorang diri... sy tengok kiri kanan laptop, ade benda masuk laptop aq ke ??? bebel lagi :).. da tu diam balik laptop ni,, so saya teruskn maen2 game kotex ni balik, KCIK! argh!!!!!! bunyik lagi laptop nie, dengan pantas tangan ni angkat tinggi smash laptop ni,!!! dush! amek kao, dush2!!! geram sungguh sy masa tu,, dengan harapan, lepas hentak kuat2 xde la bunyi2 pelik tu, so, buat muke xbersalah, sambung main game balik, KCIK! argh!!!!! aq boleh gila, knape berbunyi lagi menatang ni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, gile geram sbb da pnt mencari2 kt laptop ni, bunyi ape nta yg buat aq gile, last2 sy pon tutup la game kotex ni,, da tutup, tibe2 bunyi tu pon hilang!, bia betol, bukak balik la game td, PERKARA YANG PALING MENYAKITKAN HATI ADALAH APABILA SY MENGETAHUI BAHAWA GAME BONGEK NI LA YG KELUARKN BUNYIK KCIK KCIK TU!!!, aq da smash , smack down laptop ni, nasib baik xjahanam laptop aq, bongek punye game, tensen2,,,
moral of the story, bila nk main game ye cik ardent,sila  mute kn sound so cik Ardent boleh main dgn tenang n x terganggu konsentrasi nk main kerana bunyik yg pelik2 dan laptop cik Ardent x jahanam. sekian . :)

Did you know that World Ocean Day is on the 8th of June? Let's celebrate it by pledging to "Live Green"

Tom Hanks with Julia Robert, really?

awak nak cantik x? :)

Just count the arrows in the commercial, senang lah!

who wants RM75,100???? get this friends! :)

Can you taste the ummph in your tea?

Some adrenaline rush would be nice. :)

See these awesome kids sing!

berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul . read this :(

This will make your Balik Kampung trip this Raya extra special

I love Android, how about you?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Just reload and get 2 free passes to MTV World Stage…Who's going?

Things you never thought you could do with Hotlink when overseas

kawan2, yg ini untuk maxis pulak,, sila lihat kehebatan maxis yg anda semua xtaw :)

Chelsea fans out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get the ticket for free!!! come on!!!!

Chelsea fans, get FREE tickets here, 1 more week to go! :)

disini ada mcm2 benda yg anda semua boleh join contest, di mana klo ade rezeki, anda akn dpt hadiah2 yg dijanjikan, haruslah hadiah ini lumayan, xcaye???? sila lihat link yg saya bagi ni, pilih lah mane yg anda minat, untuk pengetahuan anda semua, amat sesuai untuk semua peringkat umur, tada psl motivasi, contest, games, kesihatan, lihat la sendiri okie :)

1)Siapa mahu Audi A5?? cube tgk :)

2)If you have not tried the Inspira… here's your chance.

3)If you have never tried participating in a treasure hunt online, here's your chance

4) yang ini sgt penting untuk semua kaum hawa, sila la lihat :)
     4 perkara tentang Kotex Fresh Pantiliners

kwn2, sy galakkan anda untuk melihat link ini, mana tahu ade rezeki nak menang ke kn.. huhu, selamat mencuba!!!!!!!!! ^_^V

Friday, June 24, 2011

lamanye da x berblog,, ade 1 guni cerita untuk dikongsi :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


aq sedar, semakin lanjut usia kita, semakin banyak dosa yang kita buat, tak terhitung banyaknye, malah dosa ni kita xboleh anggar banyaknye pada seseorang individu berdasarkan luaran mereka, maksudnye, tak semestinya ko pakai serban, mini telekung tu da tunjuk ko baik, n x semestinya ko seksi nak mampos maksudnye ko jahat lah sangat. Zaman da berubah ye, xlame lagi da nak kiamat. macam2 perangai manusia la ni, macam setan ade.. susa nak jumpe yang baik2.. ade tu, yang da baik kecik2,, da besa terpengaruh ngan kawan2, da soSIAl, adoi2.. parah2, ada tu yang dulu berkecimpung gn benda2 xmolek,, tapi la ni da bertaubat. alhamdulillah.. senang cite macam ni ye.. ambillah ikhtibar dalam setiap perkara yg terjadi dalam hidup kita, kenang sejarah hidup kita. kerana, orang yang melupakan sejarah adalah orang yang akan mengulangi sejarah lama semula.. renung2  kan, assalamualaikum.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

percaya padaku :)

mula-mula den donga lagu ni dekat blog kwn den, atas ni la link dia, ekau bokak la iyo.
ni lagu ungu, den xtw la lagu ni da lemau ke or baru, den donga mcm sodap so den nak gak ekau2 sumo donga lagu ni,, sangat sempoi la lagu ni,, music pon tenang je,,, macam lagu nak setia smpai mati, hahahahahaha... tp egt tuhan lebeyh2 sket okie..
sini den nk lotak lirik, keterlaluan ke? xyah letak la ,, kowg bukak la cndwi,, google search kn ade :)
sebenarnye ade banyak lagi lagu2 best, yg den baru donga la, den kn kuno sket,, al-maklumla,, duduk kt kolej kediaman namenye wang ulu : mmg ulu pon,, pon,pon,pon,,,, alahai bulu(nama peymes wang ulu)
btw, sebut2 name bulu ni, den nk koba, besok pagi tanggal 10 may, den kona balek bulu, nak teroskn perjuangan yg belom slesai, nta bile nk slesai,, den ade agy 1 paper ni ha,, paper transport n phenomena,, agak susa la.. bkn agak,, mmg susa.. carry marks den pon sikit je,, punah3.. tpp nk bukak buku, .. masyaallah,, mcm ade setan kt tangan n mata ni suwo tutup notes n tergolek3 atas katil(bajet comel la) suwo jgn blaja... lahanat betol ko setan,dasar setan, mmg prangai sbijik mcm setan... cil***... buduh... hahaha.. padan muke ko setan kena maki free gn aq :P..
slain dari itu, berbalik pada isu BULU ni ye,, den nk koba, den rindu teman2 seperjuangan den ni,, alahai, cuti 2 minggu pon da rindu,, ape la nk jadik cuti 4 bln nanti ye,, nasib baek den nk abeskn masa kije kt carrefour,, jadik cashier beb,, cashier pon cashier la :) janji dapat duit halal, insyaallah,,, nanti da byk duit boleh beli kawasaki 1000z yg hensem agy macho ni..,,WOOPS< guwa amek la lesen B full nanti,, jgn nk gaduh okie. haha.. lagi 1 t dpt la den beli aak itik tok wi bnyk2 buat bela kt putrajaya ni, den lepaskn dia main2 kt tasik putrajaya ni, dekat je tasik ni gn uma den :)
sampai sini la iyo,, den nk tido,, mengantuk,, setan da ajak tido la plak , assalamualaikum  :)

congrats my lil' brother!

i dunno what to say, its just, i am proud of you akem. u did well in your spm's n now all the best for your future. kakcek xtw sgt pasal pasum ni, al-maklumlah kakcek ni stkt mampu masuk kolej matriklasi johor je ;; (*_*)
yg kakcek taw, pasum ni same je mcm matrix, cume pasum ni terima bdk2 pandai je,, okie la tu dpt physical science. klo amek life science kt kmj tu, ade byk risiko.. pertama skali, bdk2 hayat ni, klo xdpt 4 flat xdpt jdk doctor gak, nanti di lelong plak kn,, rmai gak yg dr life science lari amek engineering gak,, ekot mereka la kn,, so baik amek basic physic twos, da sng
so, untuk mak n ayah, nk buat mcm mane ..da nasib dpt anak2 amek physical science. da nasib ank2 amek kos engineering, along da jdk engineer marine, abangah sah2 engineer tudm,, kakcik blaja je kejuruteraan bahan,tp mase depan xnmpak lagi, haha... xpe la kn,, tunggu akem je ni, tah kos ape t dia amek.. hahaha..

Friday, May 6, 2011


Poems From Daughter To Mother
We're daughter and mother
Not so long ago.
We give and take
And take and give
Along time's endless row.
Love is passed
And love received
To be passed on again:
A precious heirloom
Twice, twice blessed,
A spiritual cardigan.

I'll put it on

And treasure it,
The me I have received,
And when the roles
Reverse again,
I'll have what I most need.

So may our love

Go on and on,
A hundred thousand years;
Mothers and daughters,
Daughters and mothers,
Through joys and other tears.


ye, tompok ni nama kucing aq, aq syg tompok lebih skit sbb dia je yg survive lepas rmai2 adek bradik dia yg mati kena RACUN. satu benda yg menyedihkan aq, aq baru dpt taw dari mak yg tompok skg ni da jadik kucing JALANAN.. sedih gile wa ckp lu,, mmg wa nanges la, mau je wa angkt bela,, tp wa kompem xdpt carik tompok... adoi, ni sebab ktwg pindah putrajaya la, siol, da ayah bagi kwn dia jaga kucing tu, tp kwn dia ni laki bini keje, so tompok xtrjaga la, sian, aunty yg duduk area rumah penjaga kucing ni kate tompok ade kt kedai makan, Bab!... xpena tompok trlepas g kdai mkn mase mak bela dulu.. entah2 skg ni tompok makan sepak terajang owg kt kedai tu je,,, WTFish la dunia ni...  sbnrnye, bkn slh penjaga seratus peratus, mmg adat la ,, kucing nk jalan2, tp sian,, mak kate tompok da kurus skg, xcantek mcm dulu... :(.. okie la pen off. x mampu nak taip lebeyh2.. sayu..
 ni pic tompok kecik2 gn comot(mak dia)

 dasyat kn tido pelok remote.. conquer tv nmpak, haha
ni pix mase kesemua 5 ekor ade agy,, mksodnye masih kecix agy,, tgh main2 even da tgh mlm

Thursday, May 5, 2011

second sem of second year :)


alhamdulillah, saya masih bernyawa hingga ke hari ini.

 there's a lot of things happen through this 2011 till this day.
I am growing into a big big girl now, n still i need some attention as i am not fully mature enough to choose the right path on my own life, huh ( @_@)

too much things to share to all of you suddenly stuck me as i even don't know where to start about. haha, stupid...

okie2, kite mulakan dgn awal2 sem ye,, saya jadik exco akademic, hahahaha, sengal,,sangat kelakar bit thats the truth, i need to make sure that i will get a better results than before. :(

maka, bermulalah hidup yang penuh sibuk n kekacauan perasaan apabila terpaksa belajar meng"handle" program, bkn senang beb, payah nye la hai.. aduiyai, haha...
kemudian , saya masuk sukan untuk wakil ppk bahan, maen lari2 macam biasa, game 4x100 gantikan kak aida, tp kalah,,,,, maen 400 meter individual final kalah pulak, hahahadoi..
acara favourite 4x400 pon kalah, malang gile kn, malang bebebebetol, :( super sad.. huk8
 AKAN TETAPI, saya jadik reserved for netball  team, dpt emas kowt, so dpt la habuan jersey sehelai, jersey siam pon siam la, redha,janji dpt,haha

cume satu je yang dikesalkan, i still cant manage my behaviour,. saya seorang yang panas baran dan cepat marah, dan sy xdpt nk halang, or controls my anger, sangat2 .. bile kening ni da berkerut,, xselamat la, mesti keluar api, that is one thing that i regret at all. (da slalu buat ujian personaliti, mmg akan dpt jawapannye dr kategori api,, :) )

Sunday, January 30, 2011

sem yg sangat KENTAL!

tahun 2011 ni bg mcm2 perkara baru dlm hidup aq, ade kdg2 aq terpikir, nasib baik la aq masih bernafas sampai sekarang,,
kenapa, kenapa ckp mcm tu ardent_ atyn? did something amazing happens thru diz year?
1) saya dan kehidupan baru,, macam mane ulat beluncas berkurung n keluar menjadi rama rama santik, macam itu la ala2 hidup i, hahahhaha. nope,i meant. i've changed to be a better person. i think so.

2) im a bit bizi lately, most of my friends bizi dating with their partner, but me, i have to attend meeting, special right, at least ada la ting2 kt blakang word tu, huhuhuhu...i m praying that i can manage my time.. blaja agy penting bai..tapi maapla klo ade kwn2 yg saya xsempat nk hang out same2, korunk pon perasan kn,, kt tgn i asek pegang file je, sblom ni mane pena nk pegang, hawam......

3) brdasarkn ayat di atas, saya bizi, maka sya dpt lupakan siapakah anda, saya xkenal anda, aahhaaha, pelupa la makcek tenep ni. :). tapi saya suka, mari lupa melupa,, hidup baru kn,, :)

4) allah menghapuskn apa jua yang dikehendakinya. semoga kami berbahagia bersama. :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


adeih.. its already 4.18 a.m, n i still not sleep,
reading my little brother boring book still does not help my eyes to get sleepy. maybe i had overslept b4. :)
btw, making this entry perang-perangan, it does not mean i put on the gun on my arm, i am actually focusing on my upcoming semester of studies. study. if u struggle, u happy. if u flippant n lazy, u will cry til die like me.. :(
i had just finished packing my things, i was planned to bring only a few thing n if it is needed . but still, my luggage is FULL,, very, very FULL. heavy n i HATE it. alahai...