ILLIEY AND ME(before the acne lived on my popopopoker face =,=)

ILLIEY AND ME(before the acne lived on my popopopoker face =,=)

the only me :)

the only me :)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mad (Ne-Yo) - Sax Cover

Monday, June 28, 2010

in pieces

telling me to go,but hands beg me to stay..

your lips say that you love,your eyes say that you hate...


you promised me the sky,then tossed me like a stone...

you wrap me in your arms,and chill me to the bone...

there's truth in your lies,doubt in your faith...

all i've got's what you didnt take...

so i...

i wont be the one,be the one to leave this...

in pieces...

and you...

you will be the one,alone with all your secrets...

and regrets...

dont lie...

by maht nakamura

Saturday, June 26, 2010

gaduh ye?

betul la ape yg mak kate.. bercinta 2 xsemestinye serasi bersama, bahagia hanya smentara..
bile da lame bersama, mula la bercanggah kate,

kao kate a, aq kate, hey b la,
kao kata setia, aq kate pedulik hape, curang je la,
kao kate bizi, aq kate aq tgh free ni,,
kn2, masing2 penuh dgn rasa kecewa n sebal d dada, cewah...
masing2 punye alsan knape mereka begitu..
"kecewakah aq"
"ap slh aq"

mereka akn tros bertanya2...dan bertanya lg..
cinta 2 dipandang sepi..
bak bunga layu da berkurun x disirami..
owh x lupa juga..
janji2 sumpah setia pon berguguran layu D PUSARA..

maka mula lah berkumandang lagu tema LAGENDA BDK SETAN, 
BILA CINTA! (lgu ni sgt bes.. i like! tgk kt bwh2 blog ni ade video lgu ni, versi male n female)
salah paham yg terjadi ni akn mencetuskn kepada 2 pengakhiran..

yang pertama: bile masing2 da hangin thp karma, slh menyalahi mesti ade,
contoh ayt, 
A: "ko wt aq cmni apsal?"
B: "apsal apenye? ko 2 yg asek kco aq, kn aq da kate aq bizi, ko xphm2 bahase kew"
A: "ko 2 yg asek bizi memanjang, ko perdana menteri kew!"
B: "sudahla, aq da xphm n da mls nk lyn kerenah ko! g MATI la kao!"
A:"ok.FINE. ko pon g MAMPOS la!!!!! ade aq kesah sgt gn ko!!!"

A n B berselisih phm yg KRITIKAL..dan mereka xdpt nk mencapai kata sepakat tok berbaik pulih dan bersame agy.. antara mereka da xde ape nk dikatakn sbb mereka xmeluahknnye sebetul2nye..
asek ikot kate hati n hangin d kepala, (cm aq s panas baran :p)
so jdkla cm artis yg putus cinta gn artis gak,
ewah2, ko dA usung ank dara 2 ke hulu hilir, da x mnt ko ludah je ea!
hahahaha, i EMO plak, almk terlebey sudah!

yang kedua: masing2 tgh hangin tapi meluahkn ape yg terbuku d dada, so apekah ending nye??
contoh ayat :
A:"okie, i tw 2 slh i, tp u pon tlong la phm perasaan i , pliz"
B:"baiklah, i pon minx maap k, jdk perdana menteri mmg bizi BANYAK. u kena bja bersabar ye"
A: "baiklah, i cube tok bersabar, 4giv me syg?"
B: "I wil 4giv u, ok, blaja la bersabar tw"

mereka dpt mencapai kata sepakat malah berbaik kembali setelah sekian lame bermsm muka, perang dingin yg bertaon2 lamenye,, hahahahah, tp kn mesti la dowg ni gado balek kn,, 
biaselah, sedangkn lidah lagi tergigit..
arap2 berkekalan la jodoh mereka, ^^v


makanya, amat TIPU lg KUANG ASAM la klo ade manusia kate kami xpernah bergadoh pon..
haaa, 2 maknanye dia bercinta gn pokok n tunggul la, so dia je yg btul sbb pokok mne mnyahut,, muahahahah

so as the conclusion,
1) setiap yg terjadi 2 ade penyelesaian nye, kena blaja bersabar ye anak2 terutama kepada taiko 
   hangen  = TENEP  ..
2) jgn la asek nk pentingkn diri sendwi, egt skg ni awak 2 kne jage aty yg agy 1,,
3) bg yg koat nanges 2, jgn asek nangis, t xterluah kata2 dr mlot 2, asek kesat hingus je..
4)klo betul2 da xley nk bersama, tinggalkn je, tp jgn la gn cara maki hamun kn,,
 doakn yg terbaek tok mereka, semooge mereka jumpa jodoh yg terbaek malah u pon jumpa jodoh yg    terbaik, amin..
5) sayangilah mereka seadanya, klo cinta bilang cinta, jangan benci bilang cinta, t menyesal beb... haha
6) the objective of making this post was achieved..
thats all 4 today,tenqiu

Friday, June 25, 2010

football fever

Tsamina mina, eh eh

Waka waka, eh eh

4 tahun sekali,
demam bola datang lagi,
bagi peminat bola, ini sudah tentu bagos,
masing2 ade pasukan pilihan, including me,
go germany go! haha

naseb baek sye xde d stadium bola sepak itu,
kalau x kompem i da pekak asek denga bunyi vuvuzuela je,
doktor pon da sahkn bunyi 2 memekakkan telinga
para pemain pon mesti trganggu xdpt denga bunyi wisel pengadil,

bercerita pasal pengadil, ade pengadil dari malaysia,
kami bangga anda ade di sane, huhu
tp ade gak pengadil asek tiop wisel je,
ramai yg kena kad kuning, tp i x ingat team ape yg lawan time 2, huhu

i dedicate diz song to all of u!

Tsamina mina, eh eh

Waka waka, eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Anawa a a

Tsamina mina, eh eh

Waka waka, eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

This time for Africa

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Seize The Day (A7X)

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, 
too many people to ache over.
I found you here, now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I'd do anything for a smile, 
holding you till our time is done
We both know the day will come, 
but I don't want to leave you
I see my vision burn
I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
A melody, a memory, or just one picture
So what if I never hold you near? Or kiss your lips again?
So I never want to leave you and the memories of us to see 
I beg don't leave me
(Lyrics originally from A7X)
The Obvious


it what makes us deny all thing that is what u are...

it feels like there is no where to go...

it makes u feel down and uncertain of the things to come...

it will make you feel not confident of yourself

and you'll start to doubt the things you do...

it what makes you feel like you don't have a place to go,

to comfort your heart...

Despair will always make you feel bad towards yourself

and it what pulls you down from what you wanted to achieve..

always remember who you are,

the good things that you have done to yourself in lfe

and to everyone around...

be confident of what you do...

and always pray to god for blessings,

it is in your faith that will guide you in the correct path of your life

and it is the one and only cure to cleanse DESPAIR in your heart..

Never Let This Go

Maybe if my heart stops beating,
it wont hurt this much,
And never will i have to,
answer again to anyone,

One day you'll get sick of,
saying that everything's alright,
And by then i'm sure i'll be pretending,
just like i am tonight,
Please don't get me wrong,

Because i'll never let this go,
but i can't find the words to tell you,
I don't want to be alone,
but now i feel like i don't know you,

the Obvious

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Period pain

sye seorang yg mngalami mslh period pain a.k.a senggugut yg MELAMPAO,,,smpai 1 thp da xthn sgt, xley gerak, mcm2 kwn2 kt matrik bg ubat, muntah, hanik pjok mkn ubt n roti lg, muntah twos beb,,, las2 panggil warden n warden bwk g ospital, dpt 2 injections kt punggung i yg comey ni twos okie,, tp seksa nk balek dok dlm kete, sng cite xley dodok, saket,, huhu kena gelak gn kawan2 1 hal, "kowg egt aq wt lawak sarkas hape", huhu,, to miranas, yan, arep, hanik, maht,, kowg mmg saje kenakn aq kn, haha...
da cm owg nk beranak pon ade gak sakitnye, hahahahah
makanye, stiap kali nk period da kne ready gn ubat thn sakit,,
2 pon kne slalu tukar2 ubt, sbb bila smpai mase, bdn ni da xley nk mkn ubt 2, muntah balik n twos muntah2,,
its normal 4 me k.
mcm biasa, bg yg senasib spt sye da tw btape azabnye period pain ni,, kdg2 wse cm nk cmpak keluar je rahim ni ,,
shuh2!! g saket jaoh2!!!,,
tp xley kn,, dasat tol,,
satu hari sye nmpak kt iklan tb,, jenama petani, ubat tok mghilangkn senggugut terok , keputihan n bla3,, brkesankah???
ade plak yg kate pad herba 2 bgos tok owg2 cm i, KELASS GITU,, haha
da nak beli da mase 2, tp kawan sye ain jaya kate, according 2 her fwen's story,
pad 2 cm tarik kua sume sisa2 drh dr rahim  kite,,, adoi, saket BODOH!
sye yg penakot ni twos cancel beli pad 2,, cowi makcik, i xjdk beli, tkot nk pakai...
so, i search kat tenet tntg saket i yg comey ni...

Penyakit senggugut (PMS) merupakan himpunan simptom fizikal, psikologi, dan emosi yang berkait dengan kitaran haid wanita. Dianggarkan kebanyakan wanita pada usia boleh mengandung (child-bearing age) (sekitar 80 peratus) mempunyai sebahagian simptom PMS,[1] the official definition limits the scope to having symptoms of "sufficient severity to interfere with some aspects of life".[2] Simptom sedemikian biasanya boleh dijangka dan berlaku secara tetap semasa dua minggu sebelum haid. Biasanya simptom mungkin hilang sebelum atau selepas permulaan aliran haid.Bagi sesetengah wanita dengan PMS, simptom amat teruk sehingga mereka dianggap melumpuhkan. Bentuk PMS ini mempunyai nama psychiatric tersendiri: Penyakit senggugut teruk (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) (PMDD).Dalam kegunaan, ringkasan PMS difahami secara meluas di Amerika Syarikat (dan negara lain, sebagai contoh Australia) sebagai merujuk kepada kesukaran dikaitkan dengan haid, dan ringkasan ini digunakan secara kerap malah dalam kedudukan biasa atau tidak formal, tanpa terikat dengan ketegasan perubatan. Dalam konteks ini, sindrom jarang dirujuk tanpa ringkasan, dan konotasi rujukan adalah lebih meluas berbanding istilah perubatan.

a)saket kt belakang pinggang,, urat2 sume menegang.
b) saket kt bhgian bwh perot,, cm nk putus da urat2 ni
c) kaki lengoh2,,'
d) bdn berpeloh2 n xley kena sejok
e) muntah2, muntah la semua yg kita mkn, rugi beb, haha
f)xley thn , static saket, baring bentuk udang kew, terlentang kew, sume x mujarab, erti kate laen, hampeh
g)xley nk tidokn diri, xkn tido la, da saket sgt kn, mencucuk perot ni,,,
h) brmcm2 lagi brgantung pd senggugut setiap individu :)


1) dlm satu kajian mengatakn, pratus owg yg da kawen kena senggugut cuma 26.67% berbanding yg lom kawen iaitu sye kena kawen cepat2 la ye?? hahahahahah

2)Kalau kena "period pain", the best way utk diamalkan adalah di mana isi air panas dalam botol (sebaiknye botol kaca), then tuamkan (gelekkan) atas perut... buat pelan2 sebab panas sikit.. tapi mmg berkesan...

   kalau nak makan menstrual tu boleh tapi tak berapa elok utk jangka masa panjang...
  (i copy paste dr tenet),
  okie, sye da cube buat, tp xjln langsung, lh mnyebabkn pewot sye lg saket, gile2 , las2 tln obat jugak..

   Traditionally used to relieve menstrual pain, joints pain, to regulate menstruation & headache.
gambar dye xdpt nk upload,cowi, haha

4) ade doa khas dr ayat al-quran, Al-quran merupakan 1 mukjizat dn ini adlh sebahagian cara penawar sakit,, by (rawatan al-quran dan asma' al-husna)

okielah, sampai disini dlo, pape prkembangan trbaru tntg penyakit ni, akn sye btw later, wassalam...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

lumrah hidup

kdg2 manusia ni alpa n leka bila da mmiliki satu kelebihan ataupun  kepercayaan,
bila berjaya sikit, da dijunjung satu kampung, dijadikn idol remaja lah, idol itu n inilah,
tp adkah mereka 2 mmg berkebolehan untuk mnjadi idol? cuba kite perhatikn ye, skrg ni shahir juara af8 da jdk idol belia negeri perak, dia mrupakn owg baru dlm industri muzik, so xtw la pe perkembangan shahir yg strosnye kn... lihat plak la kt mawi, juara af3, dulu, 1 johor puji mamat ni, baek la, pandai ngaji la, jdk kn ikon belia gak, tp 4 me, dia 2 cm hampeh,, lame2 owg pon xsuke, kena boo agy 2,  nape mawi jdk cm2????
adkh disebabkn oleh KEKAYAAN yg dikecapinye mnjadikn dia smkn over n melampao smpai owg jadik xsuke kt dia.. hm,, lantaklah,, hidup ni kdg2 di atas, kdg2 di bawah....yg penting, xde sowg pon yg perfect dlm dunia ni, everybodi make mistakes,,  inilah lumrah kehidupan kn,, wslm

dear ain jaya!

haHA,, i juz got nothing to do in diz sem holiday,, btw, i m glad dat u put my name in ur blog, huk5, mcm artis gitu, ahakz! huhuhu

Monday, June 14, 2010

Gio - Bila Cinta - OST Lagenda Budak Setan (Male- Full Version)

Lagenda Budak Setan - Bila Cinta (Female Version)


tioman island

mak, ayah, akem

mak at danga bay




along at genova, italy

me n mak

pakcik, banga n akem

Friday, June 11, 2010

okie evryone,
diz is my husband, aHAKz!!!
u know, when he was a child, he can be called as fat guy,
very obes ,nope,
damn too obes.. haha
but now, he is very kering koNtang,
i Duno if he had pLasTic sUrgeRy or not..
stil wonDerin ..

coOkIng CoOkiNg

sEmua Owg tW yg Sye ni KuAt mkn, kLo xmKn pOn moLot mSti noN sTop mEngUnyaH...
dA nk wAt cmNe kn, dA bIase meNGunyah, kLo x, MesTi xBest,,
laSt seM 2, sYe asEk2 bEli kUaci 2 riNggIt 2 wT mkn, hahahahhaha
bEsh Mkn sMe2 MAZ, MIDAI, ILIEY, ATEN, MEK, N YG LAEN2, huhuhu
dIpeNdekkAn ciTer, timbUl gK wSe windo Kt kWn2 u, mAtrix, sCoOl, n sApe2 jE la Yg prnH jdK kWn i, hahahahaha

(^^,) the end.... wassalam

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


its BeEn a LOng loNg tYme Dat I nEva Meet "dia"...I fuLly heArteD mIsS "dia"....
bIla Nk jUmpE nI....


dlo mse nk abes sem 2, aq punye la brcita2 nk kje tyme cuti,, mcm2 aq plan klo dpt gaji t, nk etu la, nk ini la, tp ble da dok uma, yeah, hampeh...
satu kje pon xpena mnx, aya n mak kate xya la, haahhahahah
so juz dok uma mkn n tido,, itulah yg pg beszzzz
i like, huhu,at the end of the story, i didnt work n i dont ave a money to loiter n i cant do wat i had planned b4,
dats great ryt ,, huhuhuhu


aja_fightin jht, dye xfolow aq pon, hahahahha