ILLIEY AND ME(before the acne lived on my popopopoker face =,=)

ILLIEY AND ME(before the acne lived on my popopopoker face =,=)

the only me :)

the only me :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

sem yg sangat KENTAL!

tahun 2011 ni bg mcm2 perkara baru dlm hidup aq, ade kdg2 aq terpikir, nasib baik la aq masih bernafas sampai sekarang,,
kenapa, kenapa ckp mcm tu ardent_ atyn? did something amazing happens thru diz year?
1) saya dan kehidupan baru,, macam mane ulat beluncas berkurung n keluar menjadi rama rama santik, macam itu la ala2 hidup i, hahahhaha. nope,i meant. i've changed to be a better person. i think so.

2) im a bit bizi lately, most of my friends bizi dating with their partner, but me, i have to attend meeting, special right, at least ada la ting2 kt blakang word tu, huhuhuhu...i m praying that i can manage my time.. blaja agy penting bai..tapi maapla klo ade kwn2 yg saya xsempat nk hang out same2, korunk pon perasan kn,, kt tgn i asek pegang file je, sblom ni mane pena nk pegang, hawam......

3) brdasarkn ayat di atas, saya bizi, maka sya dpt lupakan siapakah anda, saya xkenal anda, aahhaaha, pelupa la makcek tenep ni. :). tapi saya suka, mari lupa melupa,, hidup baru kn,, :)

4) allah menghapuskn apa jua yang dikehendakinya. semoga kami berbahagia bersama. :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


adeih.. its already 4.18 a.m, n i still not sleep,
reading my little brother boring book still does not help my eyes to get sleepy. maybe i had overslept b4. :)
btw, making this entry perang-perangan, it does not mean i put on the gun on my arm, i am actually focusing on my upcoming semester of studies. study. if u struggle, u happy. if u flippant n lazy, u will cry til die like me.. :(
i had just finished packing my things, i was planned to bring only a few thing n if it is needed . but still, my luggage is FULL,, very, very FULL. heavy n i HATE it. alahai...